Speaker: Rev. Rachel Lonberg

“Exploring Our Values”

This summer, the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association adopted a new statement of values. These values are Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity withlove at the center. (JETPIG is a handy pneumonic to help us remember.) In this service, we will kick-off a focus on these values that will continue throughout this … Continue reading “Exploring Our Values”

“Water Service”

We begin our church program year with our annual water service celebrating the joy of community. Please bring water from somewhere meaningful to you to add to a common bowl as a symbol of our connections with one another and the wider world. If you are not able to attend the service in person and … Continue reading “Water Service”

Milestones Service

This Sunday, we will mark the milestones, transitions, and learnings in our community this year. We will welcome the newest members of People’s Church. We will honor our children and youth who completed Our Whole Lives (OWL) comprehensive sexuality education this year. We will celebrate our youth who are bridging to adulthood. We will also … Continue reading Milestones Service

Memorial Day Service

In our annual Memorial Day weekend service of remembrance, we will remember those who have died in war and military service. We will also honor church members and others who have died in the past year and the griefs that so many of us carry. (If you would like a photo of someone you love … Continue reading Memorial Day Service

Coming of Age Service

Over this church year, participants in our coming of age for youth and adults: discerning values and beliefs class have been exploring their beliefs, values, and ethics. In this service, they will share some of their learning with the congregation. You can access the order of service HERE! This service will be followed by a … Continue reading Coming of Age Service

What’s Next?

What happens when we die? While our Universalist ancestors had a very certain idea about this, modern Unitarian Universalists have a variety of beliefs about the afterlife (or lack of one). Rev. Rachel will explore some of the ideas commonly held among us. This service will also feature a child dedication ritual and end with … Continue reading What’s Next?

The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Black Liberation Theology Easter

In this Easter service, Rev. Rachel will explore Black Liberation Theology’s understanding of the death of Jesus. Drawing of the work of Dr. James Cone, the pioneer of Black Liberation Theology and one of Rev. Rachel’s seminary professors, she will explore how this theological tradition might help us all find meaning in the midst of … Continue reading The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Black Liberation Theology Easter

Reverse Service

After a four-year hiatus, we are bringing back our reverse service. This is a special day where our younger children stay in The Commons for the whole service while we sing out the adults (both in person and on Zoom) to participate in their own specialty classes, such as art, movement, discussion, and more. You … Continue reading Reverse Service

Living the Questions

It is a day for questions at People’s Church (but isn’t every day a day for questions?) Bring your questions about meaning, ethics, People’s Church, Unitarian Universalism and more (but please no math problems). Rev. Rachel will do her best to answer as many of them as she can during the service – and all … Continue reading Living the Questions

Love at the Center

Our Unitarian Universalist Association is in the process of revising Article II of the bylaws, which includes the principles and sources. In this service, Rev. Rachel will explore the proposed changes, which will be voted on at the General Assembly this June. If you want to learn more about this process than will be included … Continue reading Love at the Center

The Misuse of Science

Following up on the previous Sunday’s celebration of Charles Darwin and evolution, we will grapple with how the scientific ideas Darwin developed have been misused in racist, ableist, and imperialist ways. The modern eugenics movement (founded by Charles Darwin’s cousin) promoted social policies designed to “improve” human populations. Many of the early proponents were Unitarians. … Continue reading The Misuse of Science

Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!

On the weekend marking the 215th anniversary of the birth of naturalist Charles Darwin, who developed the theory of evolution and who was raised as a Unitarian. We will celebrate his life and legacy of inquiry, science, and trying to make sense of the world around us. You can access the order of service HERE!

Lessons in Leadership

One of the oldest and most important practices in the Unitarian Universalist tradition is congregational self-governance. This practice requires us to call out from among our congregation leaders who serve for a period of time on our nominating committee, our board, and in other leadership roles, serving the mission of the church and helping us … Continue reading Lessons in Leadership