People’s Church offers a wide variety of different activities, groups, and committees. There are opportunities for personal and spiritual support, and you can get to know other People’s people and support the life of the church through music or upkeep. And lots of the activities and groups are just plain fun!  If you are interested in an activity or group, feel free to reach out to the contact person listed, or contact the church office at


The Aesthetics Committee’s charge is to ensure a welcoming, comfortable, informative, functional, and aesthetically pleasing place in which to meet and worship. They consult with experts and design the interior of the church building.

Afternoon Book Club

This monthly book club meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month, 2:30-4:00 p.m. Location will be given the week of the meeting due to the uncertainty of our world. Contact Marj Lightner with questions or for the Zoom link.


The Archives Committee helps to maintain and display church records and artifacts. Members file material regularly related to the functioning of the church (newsletters, committee reports, pictures, articles, etc.) The committee provides church archival material upon request and undertakes projects of a historical orientation.

Art Wall

The Art Wall Committee consults with artists to provide displays of art in the Commons.


The Audio/Visual Committee will provide technical support, as needed, for church services, activities, and events, and for outside groups using the building.

Bell Choir

Come and ring with us! No tryouts and no experience necessary. The Bell Choir meets weekly on Thursday nights at 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in Room 12 from September through June.  For more information, contact Choir Director Savannah Ramsey.

Building & Grounds Work Crew

This group meets at the church on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. year-round. We do maintenance of the church, upkeep of the grounds and any other odd jobs.  The group generally gathers afterwards for a light lunch at a local restaurant.

Contact Catherine Niessink for more information.

Chalice Circles

Chalice Circles are small group ministries that enrich our spiritual community.  The practices of holding space and deep listening create mutual trust, and support personal and spiritual growth through sharing our experiences and bearing witness to the lives of others.  

Frequently Asked Questions include:

  • Who can participate in a Circle?
    • Chalice Circle participation is open to all People’s Church members and friends.
  • What happens in a Circle?
    • Christina Baldwin, in Calling the Circle, writes:
      • In circle, our personal life stories are laced with comprehension of the immensity of the challenges we face.  In circle, we acknowledge that these challenges are real and unavoidable….
    • The focus is on sharing and listening, vs. study or debate.  Typically, each session highlights a reading related to a theme such as gratitude, grief, friendship, divinity or nature.    
    • Sessions are structured and include simple rituals: check-in, candle lighting, sharing recent joys and concerns, silence, personal responses to readings, deep listening, opening/closing words and check-out.  This process ensures space is held to honor what is true for each person. Each circle self-governs and adopts agreements of behavior called covenants.
  • Where and when do Circles meet?
    • Scheduling a newly forming Chalice Circle is done by the facilitator in collaboration with members.
    • The group decides meeting frequency and location.  Generally, Circles are held once a month for 90 minutes to 2 hours, at church, in members’ homes or on Zoom.  Some groups schedule additional gatherings for socializing and fellowship. 
  • How long does a Circle last?
    • Each Chalice Circle has its own life cycle and can last for a few months or several years.  Some Circles are “drop-in” and others are closed to new members.
  • Who leads a Circle?
    • Formal training is periodically provided for church members interested in facilitation.  Sharing rotating leadership among members can also be considered.
  • How big is a Circle?
    • The ideal size is 6-8 members, though some groups as large as 10 can function quite well.  “Drop-in” Circles can be larger.  As the circumstances of members’ lives change, the membership of a group may change, too.  Openings for new participants may occur if there is consensus among all Circle members. 
  • Can a couple be members of the same Circle?
    • Because married couples and others in intimate partnerships are both unique individuals and a “unit”, the decision to jointly participate in the same Circle is considered on a case-by-case basis after discussion between the facilitator and the couple.  Best practices suggest that intimate partners benefit most from being in separate Circles.
  • How can I join a Circle?
    • Opportunities to join a Circle are periodically available throughout the church year.  Email Donna McClurkan at to inquire.


The Choir meets weekly on Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. from September through June.  The choir performs during Sunday Service on select Sundays throughout the church year.

If you are interested in joining the Choir, contact Choir Director Savannah Ramsey for more details.

The Discussion Group

Formerly known as The Men’s Discussion Group, this group was started by former People’s minister Oren “Pete” Peterson.  There is no requirement that participants be members of People’s Church or other  UU congregations, and several current participants are not.

The Discussion Group meets in Rooms 6 & 7 at People’s Church from 10:30 a.m. to noon on the first and third Saturdays of each month from September through June. Each participant is expected to choose a topic and prepare brief reading material for it once or twice during an 18-meeting season. Participants also are expected to provide snacks for meetings once or twice during each season. Recent discussions have addressed inequality in U.S. society, UU membership declines, causes that group participants support, global climate change, overpopulation, public education problems, and values vs. realism in international politics.

For more information, contact Pat Nelson.

Dismantling Racism Implementation Team

The Dismantling Racism Implementation Team helps promote and lead an integrated commitment to anti-racism/anti-oppression work at People’s Church.  Learn More

Evening Book Club

This monthly book discussion group meets from September through June and always welcomes new members. The group leans toward reading quality fiction, chosen by participants for each church year at a summer meeting. We meet the second Thursday of each month on Zoom at 6:00 p.m. Contact Pat Nelson for more information. You can access the 2023-24 schedule HERE.

Facing Life, Facing Death

This is an open discussion group that meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month from September through June from 1:30 to 3:30 pm on Zoom.  This group considers experiences of grief, aging and loss. Specific topics are decided by the group. Reading materials are available, and all ages are welcome. Feel free to bring a lunch.  If you have questions, please contact Rev. Rachel Lonberg for more information.


The Finance Committee maintains the fiscal stability of the church so that the purpose of the church can be fulfilled.

Green Sanctuary Committee

The purpose of the Green Sanctuary Committee is to support the People’s Church community in our efforts to live in accord with our values. Learn More

Holiday Bazaar & Fine Art Sale Steering Committee

The Holiday Bazaar & Fine Art Sale Steering Committee helps organize the annual Holiday Bazaar and Fine Art Sale.


The Investment Committee manages the Endowment pursuant to the Endowment investment and Distribution policy.


This committee maintains the church library collection.  Check out the library catalog HERE


The Membership/Connections Committee seeks out visitors on Sundays and welcomes them to People’s Church, introduces newcomers to Unitarian Universalism, and for those interested in becoming members, provides guidance and support during their integration into the life of the church.

Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden Committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of the Garden and facilitates memorial plantings and the ordering and placement of plaques.


The Music Committee exists for the purpose of integrating music into the life of People’s Church by overseeing and supporting the church’s music program. The music program includes music provided by choirs and other musicians from within and outside of the congregation, as well as participation in music by the congregation. The music program addresses music in all aspects of church life, but especially in the Sunday Service.


The Nominating Committee seeks to fill and present to the congregation a slate of candidates to the Board of Trustees to conform to the election process used at the Annual Meeting. The committee also nominates candidates for a Ministerial Search Committee.

Religious Education Committee

The Religious Education committee is charged with overseeing the RE program in conjunction with the Director of Religious Education (DRE). Committee members meet monthly at church.

Social Justice Coordinating

The Social Justice Coordinating Committee serves to facilitate and coordinate the efforts of the congregation to be actively involved in living our values in the community and the world.


The Stewardship Committee is responsible for developing and carrying out the annual spring pledge canvass for the church operating budget, and for communicating with new members to encourage them to pledge throughout the year. In addition, they will schedule fundraising events and oversee all fundraising for the church.

The Study Group

The Study Group meets to discuss a wide variety of books related to religion, philosophy and science, with topics chosen by members to reflect a diversity of interests in the sources and development of liberal religion. The Study Group meets once a month, usually on a Monday at 7:30 pm, September through June in Room 18.  All are invited to join. Contact Mary Lewis for more information.

Sunday Services

The Sunday Services Committee works with the minister to plan meaningful weekly Sunday services, and special services for the church year, and to enrich and support all aspects of the services.