General Assembly Watch Parties

Thursday June 20, 4-6pmFriday, June 21, 2:30-6pmSaturday, June 22, 2:30-6pmThe CommonsJoin Rev. Rachel in The Commons to watch the Livestream of the business sessions of this year’s Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, including the revision of Article II of the UUA Bylaws. Stop in for a few minutes or a few hours over any of … Continue reading General Assembly Watch Parties

Afternoon Book Club

We will not meet in June to allow people to find books to suggest for the next church year. Our next meeting will be at 1:30 on July 1 at Friendship Village when we will decide on what those books will be. People should bring 2 or 3 suggestions. We focus mainly on quality fiction. This … Continue reading Afternoon Book Club

Special Collection June 2: Housing Resources, Inc.

HRI provides housing solutions for individuals and families during a housing crisis. Their mission is the assurance of housing for socially or economically vulnerable persons in Kalamazoo County. Our services are designed to stabilize households experiencing homelessness and help those in jeopardy of losing their housing. HRI is the organization behind ‘A Kzoo POD Community: … Continue reading Special Collection June 2: Housing Resources, Inc.

Donations Still Needed!

Gryphon Place has served 107 Portage, Pavilion Township, and Texas Township families affected by the May 7 tornadoes at the Donations Management Center (9246 Portage Industrial Drive). Supplies are running very low and THE NEED IS STILL HIGH. Donations of the following items are URGENTLY needed. Can you help?

Budget Briefing

May 5, 20 minutes after the service ends, in The Commons and livestreamed via ZoomThis is your chance to learn more about the proposed budget for the 2024-5 church year. Treasurer Tom Hackley, members of the Board of Trustees, and Rev. Rachel will be available to answer your questions and hear your opinions. Feedback received … Continue reading Budget Briefing

Loaves and Fishes Collection Thank You!

A big thank you goes out to all the anonymous folks who put food donations in our Loaves and Fishes collection drum by the front door. Your gifts are regularly taken to Loaves and Fishes and are much appreciated!

UU Women’s Retreat

The WomUUn’s Community at First UU of Ann Arbor is hosting our annual WomUUn’s Retreat on October 11-13, at YMCA Camp Copneconic in Fenton, MI.This year’s retreat kicks off on Friday evening with a pot-luck Community Café, book and jewelry exchanges, tile painting and our Wel-coming Session and a bonfire with storytelling. Saturday will be … Continue reading UU Women’s Retreat

Choosing Dignity: Navigating Your End-of-Life Journey

May Thoughtful Thursday Date: Thursday, May 9th Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Location: Online Only – Zoom Event Register Here: the Unitarian Universalist Community Church on Thursday, May 9th, for a Thoughtful Thursday event: Choosing Dignity: Navigating Your End-of-Life Journey, featuring Elaine Pereira from Compassion & Choices and engage in a heartfelt conversation … Continue reading Choosing Dignity: Navigating Your End-of-Life Journey

Join Hope for Creation for our 10th anniversary!

You’re invited to an evening of simple food, great conversation, thought provoking information, and glad celebration. Together we will mark ten years of networking people of faith and conscience in the work of creation care. Debra Rienstra, author of Refugia Faith is our keynote speaker. Her presentation introduces and explores refugia: pockets of diverse and … Continue reading Join Hope for Creation for our 10th anniversary!

Mowers Needed!

Now that summer is approaching, we need a few more volunteers to help mow the church lawn. If you’d like to meditate an hour or two once a month atop a John Deere rider mower, then this could be the job for you! If interested, please contact Greg Feldmeier (269-760-5723) or Rick Johnson (269-598-8317).

Child Dedication Ritual May 5th

A child dedication ritual is the special way we welcome children into our church community. The church community dedicates itself to the children and promises to support them and their parents, guardians, and caregivers. We will be having a child dedication ritual as part of the Sunday Ser-vice on May 5th. If you would like … Continue reading Child Dedication Ritual May 5th

Rain Garden Update

The People’s Church rain garden was created last fall, thanks to the Green Sanctuary Committee and the hard work of many volunteers led by Kimberly Ginn, who is a certified Master Rain Gardener. This garden collects rain runoff into a basin, where the water infiltrates the ground, is cleaned and eventually flows into our aquifer. … Continue reading Rain Garden Update

May Special Collection: ISAAC

Date: May 19th ISAAC, Interfaith Strategy for Action and Advocacy in the Community, is the congregation-based community organizing group that People’s Church is part of. We join together with 30 other community organizations to work for a more just and equita-ble Kalamazoo County. Right now, ISAAC is building the Beloved Community by focusing on anti-racism, … Continue reading May Special Collection: ISAAC