From the Board

Dear Congregation,
In our September board meeting, we voted to adopt the 2025 Restatement of the Unitarian Universalist Organizations Retirement Plan. This update aligns with new laws and enhances equity while ensuring no financial impact on our church. This change allows us to continue supporting our staff’s retirement planning. Thanks to your incredible support in closing our recent budget gap, we were also able to convert our administrator’s furlough into paid vacation. Addition-ally, Reverend Rachel will be updating our policy to provide increased paid vacation time for staff after three years of service, rather than five. While reviewing committee reports, we were excited to see the Religious Education (RE) committee’s plans for the year, though they are still seeking volunteers to fill teacher spots. If you’re interested in helping out, please contact Diane or Melissa. Lastly, we introduced our new mascot, the JETPIG, embodying our UU values of Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity. Thank you, Laura Bultman, for creating this wonderful symbol! For more information on the updates to Article II, please visit the UUA Article II Study Com-mission.
Warm regards, The Board