Speaker: Rev. Rachel Lonberg

Pandemic, Five Years in

This weekend marks five years since People’s Church (and so much else) shut down and moved online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this service, we will remember those confusing days, grieve, and reflect on how the pandemic continues to shape our lives. Please join us on Zoom or in person! Services are normally held … Continue reading Pandemic, Five Years in

On Betrayal

In the recent question box sermon, several People’s people asked questions about how to cope with betrayal in their personal relationships. In this service, Rev. Rachel will explore how to navigate betrayal with integrity and care for ourselves and those who hurt us. You can access the order of service HERE. Please join us on … Continue reading On Betrayal

The Myth of Individualism

As Unitarian Universalists, one of our core values is interdependence, the truth that we are all connected to one another. Yet, our culture constantly tells us we are individuals, responsible solely for ourselves and maybe those closest to us. In this moment, we will remember the truth of our interdependence and challenge any notion that … Continue reading The Myth of Individualism

Imperfect Allies

As we honor Scout Sunday and the new relationship between People’s Church and Scouting America Troop 292 (part of the organization formerly known as the Boy Scouts), Rev. Rachel will tell the story of the history between the Unitarian Universalist Association and Boy Scouts of America, two imperfect institutions who are becoming unlikely allies, and … Continue reading Imperfect Allies

Remembering Duane Roberts

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend, Rev. Rachel will continue her series honoring lesser known Civil Rights heroes. This Sunday, we will honor the life and legacy of Duane Roberts, a local Civil Rightsleader. In addition to being a leader in the fight for school desegregation and other efforts for equity in Kalamazoo, … Continue reading Remembering Duane Roberts

Survey Says…

In late 2024, we asked People’s people to complete a short survey. On this Sunday, Rev. Rachel will share the results with you. We will learn about who we are (including demographic information and spiritual background and identity) and how this has shifted from surveys conducted in 10 and 25 years ago. Wewill also share … Continue reading Survey Says…

Beginning with Questions

Let’s begin 2025 with questions! It is our annual question service. Bring your questions about meaning, ethics, People’s Church, Unitarian Universalism and more (but please no math problems). Rev. Rachel will do her best to answer as many of them as she can during the service – and all of them will help shape the … Continue reading Beginning with Questions

Christmas Eve Service

Join us to retell the story of the Nativity and the Christmas Truce of World War I as we hope for the rebirth of love and peace in the present day. This service will feature music, poetry, storytelling and candlelight. You can access the order of service HERE. Please join us on Zoom or in … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service

Hope as Science Fiction

‘Hope is a sort of time travel,’ a friend recently told Rev. Rachel. ‘It is a practice of imagining a better future and letting that vision inspire you to act.’ In this service, Rev. Rachel will reflect the lessons that science fiction and speculative fiction can teach us about hope in this challenging season. You … Continue reading Hope as Science Fiction

An Honest Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving approaches, Rev. Rachel and members of the emerging People’s Church Reckoning Team will tell a truer story about Native American history than what is usually told this time of year. An honest history invites us all to a begin moving toward right relationship with Native communities. The Reckoning Team is a newly formed … Continue reading An Honest Thanksgiving

Now What?

In this post-election sermon, Rev. Rachel will reflect on the outcome of the election and on the path and work ahead for all of us. You can access the order of service HERE. Please join us on Zoom or in person! Services are normally held in the Commons and over Zoom at 10:45am. Sunday Services can be … Continue reading Now What?

“Crossing Paths”

As Unitarian Universalists, we celebrate that we are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience, and theology. As our programs for children and youth begin (with a focus on world religions this year), Rev. Rachel will reflect on the gift of religious pluralism and how learning about other wisdom traditions canstrengthen our faith. You can … Continue reading “Crossing Paths”