Category: News

RE Notes

Sustaining the ResistanceI’m finding it challenging to remain a well informed citizen in the world these days. I am experiencing much emotional turmoil trying to keep up with the massive horrendous political changes happening so rapidly.I now have to monitor how much news I take in and when. Then I need to allow some conscious … Continue reading RE Notes

Library Corner

Prayers for Calm; Meditations, Affirmations, and Prayers to Soothe Your Soul, by Becca Anderson This book will help you: Recovery; the Lost Art of Convalescence, by Dr. Gavin Francis Recovery is a book about a journey that most of us never intend to make. It explores how – and why – we get better, revealing … Continue reading Library Corner

Afternoon Book Club

“Solito: A Memoir” is this month choice.The group which meets the 2nd Monday of the month, 1:30-3:00 is currently full. To get on a waiting list, contact Martha Beverly (, 269- 382-4288.) “Solito: A Memoir” is the 2025 Kalamazoo Public Library ‘Reading Together’ choice. Solito’s Ethical Imperatives: Policy Reflections on the Global Journeys of Unaccompanied … Continue reading Afternoon Book Club

Film Discussion Group

The classic French film “Jules & Jim” (1962) (postponed from the February meeting) will be discussed March 19, 4-5:30 on Zoom.Note: Our regular meeting time starting this month will be 4-5:30 p.m.Newcomers are welcome. We choose films on a month-to-month basis, welcoming suggestions which don’t require subscription, and preferably are available from the library. We … Continue reading Film Discussion Group

Study Group

The Study Group will be meeting on Monday March 31 at 7:30 p.m.  via Zoom, to discuss: “Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World” by Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and historian Anne Applebaum.  The book explores how we can organize to oppose autocracies around the world that are working together to undermine democracy.   The Study Group meets monthly … Continue reading Study Group

New Book Group on Aging

In Later Years: Finding Meaning and Spirit in Aging by Bruce T. MarshallWednesday, March 19 1:30-3pm on Zoom,Link: book, by a Unitarian Universalist minister who is a chaplain at a retirement community, will provide a jumping off point for conversations about topics such as change, legacy and memory.For the first session, we will read … Continue reading New Book Group on Aging

Green Spot: With Respect to the Land

During our November 10, 2024 service, An Honest Thanksgiving, Rev. Rachel told a truer story about Native American history than what is traditionally portrayed in our culture. As the service description noted, “An honest history invites us all to begin moving toward right relationship with Native communities.” The Reckoning Team is a newly formed group … Continue reading Green Spot: With Respect to the Land

Legacy Giving Seminar: Build a Lasting Future for Peoples Church

We invite you to join us for an informative seminar on legacy giving and learn how you can help ensure the long-term stability and growth of Peoples Church. This session will explore estate-planning strategies and show you simple ways to include Peoples Church in your legacy plans.What to Expect: This seminar has been postponed! If … Continue reading Legacy Giving Seminar: Build a Lasting Future for Peoples Church

Transgender Day of Visibility Gathering

Saturday, March 15, 2pm, People’s Church People’s Church is hosting a Transgender Day of Visibility Gathering led by by Faith Alliance (the faith leaders associated with OutFront). Religious leaders from Christian, Pagan, Jewish, and UU communities will offer words and rituals of blessing and affirmation for trans, nonbinary, gender creative, and gender non-conforming folks. This … Continue reading Transgender Day of Visibility Gathering

Call for Art Entries (coming soon for March and April) for People’s Church artists, crafters, and makers

Theme: The Land, Nature, and Stewardship We have extended the deadline for entries in the Environmental Exhibit to March 9 (instead of March 4). You can bring your art work to Eli any-time the church is open and Gay will receive art on March 4 from 5-7. Your label information (your name, title of work, … Continue reading Call for Art Entries (coming soon for March and April) for People’s Church artists, crafters, and makers

Puzzle Exchange Now Ongoing

By popular demand, the puzzle exchange is now ongoing! Space has been made on the shelves in the church library. Puzzles can be taken, returned, added & enjoyed at any time!

It’s Stewardship Season!

It is time to make your financial pledge to the church for the coming fiscal year. Pledge forms will be given and sent on Sunday March 3rd. If you’d like to complete your pledge form online early, CLICK HERE! Please complete your pledge by March 30! We are asking people to participate with care and quickness this … Continue reading It’s Stewardship Season!


Artist: Glenda DemissianosArt Wall Exhibit: February 16thYou’ll find no deep introspection here… just my love of color and flowers.I prefer to experiment with various water media, gouache, ink, acrylic and watercolor to add life and color to any space.Art was one of my majors at Western Michigan University and I have been a painter for … Continue reading Art Wall: WORKS ON PAPER

After Service Discussion

David Isaacson will host a discussion/conversation of Sunday’s sermon beginning at 12:15pm in Room 9 (Buddha room).  If enough people are interested this will be a usual practice after most Sunday services. Other people who would like to be discussion leaders are most welcome, as David won’t be available some Sundays. These discussions are for … Continue reading After Service Discussion

Support Needed for Seven Newly Arrived Refugee Families

Because of a recent executive order, seven newly arrived refugee families in our community have been cut off from casework and financial support. In partnership with many organizations in town, including the Kalamazoo Refugee Resource Collaborative and other congregations, we are working to make up this gap. If you are able to contribute money to … Continue reading Support Needed for Seven Newly Arrived Refugee Families

Inquirers Series

Begins Sunday October 20, 12:30-1:30pm, with sessions held every other week until March (with breaks at Thanksgiving and the end of the year). The first session is in Room 6/7. The remainder will be in Room 19.Visitors, newcomers, members, and anyone who wants more information about People’s Church are invited to participate in the Inquirers … Continue reading Inquirers Series