RE Notes

Earth Wisdom

When Rev. Rachel and I gathered with the youth to brainstorm ideas for our Earth Day intergenerational service, the teens generated so many creative ideas. After some discussion, we decided to have the youth represent the plants and animals of their choice at a Family Reunion Dinner.
As so often happens at family reunions, each species let us know how they were doing and what was going on in their lives and habitats. Sister Scarlet McCaw, grandfather tree, granddaughter rat, father plant, cousin raccoon, grandmother spider and Aunt ant all gathered around the table together.

They each had important wisdom to share with the congregation about how to live more sustainably with our earth and all the species with whom we share this planet.
One of the many blessings of this intergenerational religious community is the opportunity for all ages to gather together to learn, grow, worship, share wisdom and different perspectives.

Each of us sees a glimpse of the whole and together we can see a broader view of what is true in the world. As young people become aware of the state of our planet and the future they are inheriting, they are highly motivated to increase their understandings and take action. Our youth bring invaluable voices to the table when it comes to protecting our earth. We are fortunate to have them share their wisdom with us.
Blessed Be, Diane Melvin Religious Education Director

RE Program Evaluations
The religious education committee is working hard to get feedback from families about our program this year. Let us know what you appreciate about our program and how we can better meet the needs of your family.
Please click the link to complete the Google form or fill out one of the paper evaluation forms at church.
We care about your feedback!

RE Lessons in May
Our K-6th graders will be exploring important topics together in their religious education classes this month. Peace, love, resiliency, and anti-racism are all topics in which our children will be engaging in thoughtful and meaningful ways. While deepening connections, we also hope that our kids leave their time at church feeling better equipped to be kind, compassionate and more inclusive in their daily lives.

5/6th Grade OWL
Congrats to those who completed this important Our Whole Lives sexuality education class: Lexi Webb, Barb Wilson, Hayden Dibble-Valette, Teddy Ernst, Robyn Shepich, Keller Sparling, Lyra New and Vincent Cavanagh!