As a UU from early childhood the faith has helped ground me in social justice understanding; the power of community – both in general and in times of need (and of the importance of getting Lasagna to a family in crisis). I also feel a strong desire to return that belonging in ways of time, … Continue reading Brian L. and Jeffrey X.
- Welcome to People's Church - We're Glad You're Here
- Drumming before service
- Peace & Nature Camp
- Earth Day
- Memorial Garden Committee
- Pasty Making for the annual Fine Art Sale & Holiday Bazaar
- Bell Choir
- Chalice Circle
- A Music Service
- Middle Schoolers on the Playground
- Fall Campout
Wisdom from The Wizard of Oz
Since L. Frank Baum published The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 125 years ago, this wisdom story about a girl who wants to go home and her unlikely companions has been re-told and reinterpreted many times on the page, stage, and screen. In this joyful service, we will celebrate this story (and the songs it inspired) … Continue reading Wisdom from The Wizard of Oz
Recent News
- Its Time for Our Annual Silent Auction – Jump in Now, Don’t Miss It!Check out the auction and place your bids here: Each year we hold a fast and fun auction of services ...
- Call for Art Entries (coming soon for March and April) for People’s Church artists, crafters, and makersTheme: The Land, Nature, and StewardshipStatement of purpose: In celebration of World Earth Day (April 22, 2025) and our UU ...
- Art Wall: WORKS ON PAPERArtist: Glenda DemissianosArt Wall Exhibit: February 16thYou’ll find no deep introspection here… just my love of color and flowers.I prefer ...
- Green Spot: With Respect to the LandDuring our November 10, 2024 service, An Honest Thanksgiving, Rev. Rachel told a truer story about Native American history than ...
- Puzzle Exchange Now OngoingBy popular demand, the puzzle exchange is now ongoing! Space has been made on the shelves in the church library. ...
- RE NotesCommunity as Resistance #LoveResistsWith fascism rising, more people are seeking ways to resist the unjust actions of the current administration. ...
- After Service DiscussionDavid Isaacson will host a discussion/conversation of Sunday’s sermon beginning at 12:15pm in Room 9 (Buddha room). If enough people ...
- Special Collection: Black Lives Matter Mutual AidThe BLM Mutual Aid Train is a sustained practice in collaborative community care and a step toward the accessible, equitable, ...
Our Stories
“As soon as we enter the building she B-lines for her spot. At church, there are long tables at the back of the sanctuary, covered in blank white paper. It is a space for the children to gather, if they wish, before they are excused from their religious education. They turn the tables into artscapes … Continue reading Meg V.