As a UU from early childhood the faith has helped ground me in social justice understanding; the power of community – both in general and in times of need (and of the importance of getting Lasagna to a family in crisis). I also feel a strong desire to return that belonging in ways of time, … Continue reading Brian L. and Jeffrey X.
- Welcome to People's Church - We're Glad You're Here
- Drumming before service
- Peace & Nature Camp
- Earth Day
- Memorial Garden Committee
- Pasty Making for the annual Fine Art Sale & Holiday Bazaar
- Bell Choir
- Chalice Circle
- A Music Service
- Middle Schoolers on the Playground
- Fall Campout
The Myth of Individualism
As Unitarian Universalists, one of our core values is interdependence, the truth that we are all connected to one another. Yet, our culture constantly tells us we are individuals, responsible solely for ourselves and maybe those closest to us. In this moment, we will remember the truth of our interdependence and challenge any notion that … Continue reading The Myth of Individualism
Recent News
- Its Time for Our Annual Silent Auction – Jump in Now, Don’t Miss It!Check out the auction and place your bids here: Each year we hold a fast and fun auction of services ...
- Call for Art Entries (coming soon for March and April) for People’s Church artists, crafters, and makersTheme: The Land, Nature, and StewardshipStatement of purpose: In celebration of World Earth Day (April 22, 2025) and our UU ...
- Art Wall: WORKS ON PAPERArtist: Glenda DemissianosArt Wall Exhibit: February 16thYou’ll find no deep introspection here… just my love of color and flowers.I prefer ...
- Green Spot: With Respect to the LandDuring our November 10, 2024 service, An Honest Thanksgiving, Rev. Rachel told a truer story about Native American history than ...
- Puzzle Exchange Now OngoingBy popular demand, the puzzle exchange is now ongoing! Space has been made on the shelves in the church library. ...
- RE NotesCommunity as Resistance #LoveResistsWith fascism rising, more people are seeking ways to resist the unjust actions of the current administration. ...
- After Service DiscussionDavid Isaacson will host a discussion/conversation of Sunday’s sermon beginning at 12:15pm in Room 9 (Buddha room). If enough people ...
- Special Collection: Black Lives Matter Mutual AidThe BLM Mutual Aid Train is a sustained practice in collaborative community care and a step toward the accessible, equitable, ...
Our Stories
“As soon as we enter the building she B-lines for her spot. At church, there are long tables at the back of the sanctuary, covered in blank white paper. It is a space for the children to gather, if they wish, before they are excused from their religious education. They turn the tables into artscapes … Continue reading Meg V.