What does it mean to live authentically in a diverse community? Pluralism sounds great, but is often very hard work. We’ll explore a commitment to radical hospitality, learning about ourselves in the process.
Liz is an ordained Presbyterian (USA) Pastor who has spent her career working in interfaith and multi-faith landscapes. Currently, she serves as the College Chaplain and Director of Religious Life at Kalamazoo College. Liz received her M.Div from Harvard Divinity School and her D.Min from Chicago Theological Seminary. Her doctoral work focused on the spiritual lives of nonreligious young adults. An essayist and fiction writer, her work has appeared in a variety of publications.
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Please join us on Zoom or in person! Services are normally held in the Commons and over Zoom at 10:45am. Sunday Services can be accessed over Zoom by following this link: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/5527667326 Or by calling 1-646-876-9923 and entering the code 552 766 7326 at the listed time.