Adult Programs
Check the People’s Church newsletter and weekly emails for updates, events and new groups. Sign up to receive these here.
If you need more information or are interested in leading or teaching an Adult Education offering, please contact Diane Melvin,, 269-375-3262.
Book Clubs, Focusing on Quality Fiction
Afternoon Group: 3rd Thursdays of the month, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Contact Martha Beverly, Martha Beverly? 269-382-4288
Evening Group: 2nd Thursdays of the month, 6-7:30 pm, Contact Pat Nelson, 269-716-3623. You can access the 2024-24 schedule HERE.
Each group holds a planning meeting during the summer to set schedules for the church year. Each month’s selection is also advertised in the monthly newsletter and weekly emails. Newcomers are welcome up to a maximum of 12 per group. New groups may be started, as desired.
Film Discussion Group
3rd Wednesdays, 4-5:30, Contact: Pat Nelson,
Films are chosen by participants from offerings with rental of less than $6 (no subscription needed) (often available at libraries or other subscription services, as well). Watch the newsletter and/or weekly email for input or information. Anyone is welcome to any discussion. On Zoom.
Chalice Circles
(Small Group Ministry Circles)
Chalice Circles offer an opportunity to practice deep listening and sharing in ongoing small group meetings. These circles provide opportunities to get to know and connect with a small group on a deeper level. Some of these groups meet on Zoom and others in person with safety precautions. Ongoing circles have openings for new members. Contact Donna McClurkan at for more information or to join. You can read more about Chalice Circles HERE!
The Study Group
Monthly on Mondays (vary), 7:30 pm
Contact Mary for the Zoom link
Mary Lewis
Meets on zoom to discuss a wide variety of books on religion, philosophy and science, with topics chosen by members to reflect a diversity of interests in the sources and development of liberal religion.
Facing Life, Facing Death
4th Tuesdays, 1:30 – 3:00 PM
Contact Rev. Rachel for Zoom link
Rev. Rachel Lonberg, 269-389-9721
The first half hour of our gathering, a chance to speak frankly about our lives, triumphs and struggles. For the final hour, Rev. Rachel leads the group in exploring mortality, death, and dying through personal reflection, sociological information, articles, conversation, and poetry. We occasionally invite guests from the community to present to us on related topics. This class is open to all People’s adults.
People’s Singers Choir
Rehearsals on Thursdays at 7 pm in the Commons
Contact Savannah Ramsey,
Lift up your voice with the People’s Church Choir! New members are always welcome. No experience necessary.
People’s Ringers Bell Choir
Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the Commons
Contact Savannah Ramsey,
Come and Ring with us! No experience necessary. Some music reading skills necessary