Meg V.

“As soon as we enter the building she B-lines for her spot. At church, there are long tables at the back of the sanctuary, covered in blank white paper. It is a space for the children to gather, if they wish, before they are excused from their religious education. They turn the tables into artscapes within minutes. Baskets full of fidgets and markers and squishies abound. My daughter feels so welcomed and comfortable in this space. 

The children quietly chatter and draw. We sing and listen to opening words. My daughter wears her rainbow yeti jammies and receives compliments. A young toddler crawls under the table and is smiled at. I sip coffee and admire the sketches. A boy introduces me to his Pound Puppy, Charlie, at the greeting. A little person unexpectedly tosses their small lego animal, it breaks apart on the floor and we quietly pick it up for him. I love a community who expects kids to be whoever they are. I usually move to the chairs that make up the rest of the audience seating, after the children have departed, but I choose to stay at the long tables. The energy is just too good. 

I have weathered many things in this sanctuary. I’m weathering some of them now. There is always a kind ear, a safe space, a place. All are welcomed here. I am welcomed here. My Ada, she is most definitely welcomed here.

This is why I value this church so deeply. This is why I support them financially. Consider joining me.”

-Meg V.