Harm Reduction as an Ethical Guide

Harm reduction is a set of practices and policies in public health to reduce the negative consequences of human behavior, recognizing that you can’t force someone to make different choices, but you can work to make the consequences of their choices less catastrophic. (Needle exchange programs for IV drug users is an example of harm reduction.) In this service, Rev. Rachel will apply the ethics of harm reduction to other areas, showing how they might help us to live with integrity in this beautiful and broken world. We will also be devoting our special offering to COPE Network, which practices harm reduction in our community.

You can access the order of service HERE.

Please join us on Zoom or in person! Services are normally held in the Commons and over Zoom at 10:45am. Sunday Services can be accessed over Zoom by following this link: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/5527667326 Or by calling 1-646-876-9923 and entering the code 552 766 7326 at the listed time.