If you are looking for a very enjoyable and engaging way to serve our church, please consider this opportunity. We are searching for a volunteer to work alongside Donna McClurkan to plan and run the cafe at this year’s Bazaar, which will occur on November 23 ( the Saturday before Thanksgiving).
The cafe prepares and sells nourishing meals to the artists and volunteers who are working at the Bazaar. Potential co-leaders need not have food prep experience, but should be comfortable managing other volunteers and handling logistics related to filling meal orders in an efficient manner.
Gratitude goes out to Sandy Steele for leading last year’s first, successful and easy-to-replicate mini-cafe! She has a lot of travel coming up and may not be avail to help. If you are interested and want to learn more, or if you feel excited take on this position, contact Donna McClurkan at (269) 779-6260 or dcmcclurkan@gmail.com