UU Women’s Retreat

The WomUUn’s Community at First UU of Ann Arbor is hosting our annual WomUUn’s Retreat on October 11-13, at YMCA Camp Copneconic in Fenton, MI.
This year’s retreat kicks off on Friday evening with a pot-luck Community Café, book and jewelry exchanges, tile painting and our Wel-coming Session and a bonfire with storytelling. Saturday will be packed with small group gatherings; good food; relaxed and fun art and craft workshops; outdoor activities such as zip lining, archery and high ropes course, and a joyful singalong/jam session/dance party. Sunday morning we wrap up with our closing Community Celebration
Registration opened April 1, and all registration materials are available at https://uuaa.org/womuuns-community/. Women should register (and pay) by June 30 to receive early bird pricing.