In our November 10th service, An Honest Thanksgiving, Rev. Rachel told a truer story about Native American history than what is traditionally portrayed in our culture. As the service description noted, “An honest history invites us all to begin moving toward right relationship with Native communities.” The Reckoning Team* is a newly formed group exploring what this might mean for People’s Church in general and in the context of the land on which our building sits – the land we steward – as a way to live into the truer story. This may develop into a land acknowledgement statement and will take other forms as well.
The Green Sanctuary Committee is pleased to participate in this initiative by offering three events during winter and early spring to help guide our under-standing of the indigenous connection to land as a living entity.
These events are in the planning stage. All will be held following church in Room 19. Details coming soon. *To be part of this effort, please contact Rev. Rachel.