For many years People’s people have been intertwined with the students and staff at Lincoln Elementary. Here are some of the ways we partner with Lincoln:
· We hold a special annual collection for Lincoln in fall
· We provide tutors and mentors. Our Lincoln School volunteers have helped students and staff make the personal connection that so many of the kids crave, assisting teachers in giving students more individualized attention in areas they struggle in and simply just being there as a consistent adult that cares.
· We have provided book collections so EVERY student was given a book at their reading level.
· We have collected donated snacks for the afterschool program.
· We have collected clothing and Walmart gift cards for the Kid’s Closet sponsored by Kalamazoo Community in Schools
· We’ve collected Christmas gifts for children’s parents and siblings and then helped the kids “shop” for small holiday gifts for family members during early December.
This year the Sunday Special Collection to benefit Lincoln will be on November 10th.There are a couple of ways you can make a donation other than the day of the special collection. You can make a donation by sending a check to the church—be sure to mention in the memo line that it is intended for Lincoln School or if you prefer to make your donation online, please go to: and enter your donation in the box marked ‘Special Collections’. Teachers will have many needs this year and whatever we donate will be put to good use!