Goal: Most Successful Bazaar Ever, Outcome: ACHIEVED!

Dear People’s People,
Together, you knocked it out of the park!
This year’s Fine Art Sale and Holiday Bazaar was our most successful in all the ways we could hope for and that matter to us all:

  1. Surely the best-attended Bazaar since pre-COVID years, maybe ever.
  2. Engaging more people than ever from our congregation – elders, youth, long-timers, newcom-ers, members and friends. You helped in all the ways needed: making 700 pasties; publicizing and promoting the event in so many ways; preparing a huge variety and an even huger volume of your handmade goods and baked goods to laden our specialty tables, which constitute our earnings from this event; and volunteering for all the roles needed in the work of putting on the event – from Monday madness and set-up, to staffing all the specialty tables, pasty sales, raf-fle sales, cashiering, greeting, shuttle driving, emergency personnel presence, kitchen workers, cooks and runners, to the last task of the miraculous clean-up; and supporting the event with your pur-chases.
  3. Building community within the church through our work togeth-er and expanding our outreach to the wider community by opening our doors wide.
  4. Supporting the work of 29 tremendously creative artists from our local community, who always list our people, the warm and friendly tone of this event, and the great food, as reasons this is one of their favorite shows.
  5. And now, for the bottom line, (drum roll…) making $17,500! This will be adjusted for expens-es, expected to be under $3,000. In our work together, netting about $14,500 to support our church and our mission.

The Steering Committee for this event is made up of tremendous people, who bring their diverse talents and spirit of collaboration to make this event work. It is a big project that is done with love for this community. Deep appreciation for the members of this team who lead each of the following work areas: Pasties – Bob Friedel; Artists and Vendors – Jen Jaksa and Rochelle; Publicity – Rachel Harmes, Rick Johnson and Elijah; People’s Specialties – Lori Rupe; Café – Donna McClurkan; Raffle – Lori Rupe and Diana Lundquist; Monday Madness, Set-Up and Shuttle: Tim Keiffer and Gary Leadley; Cashiers and Finance: Dolores, Diana, and Barb; Greeters – Rev. Rachel; Clean-Up – Margaret Wilson and Jen Docsa-Koehler; Communications and Coordination – Dolores, Rochelle and Eli. We could not have done this without Eli’s help in just about every aspect of this whole production!
We extend our heartfelt thanks to you all and our wishes for a restful and thankful season.
Dolores Strom and Rochelle Habeck-Hunt
p.s. Don’t forget to bring back your loaner yard signs and buy a few of the remaining frozen pasties for sale in the foyer while they last!