Kalamazoo County Community Consultant

Kalamazoo County Continuum of Care
Community Consultant Description
Background & Summary
The Kalamazoo County Continuum of Care (Coe) is a federal program of The United Way of South
Central Michigan {UWSCMI) designed to promote community-wide commitment to the goal of
ending homelessness. This work is done through a network of individuals with lived experience,
organizations and agencies working together. The Coe partners with members to find solutions
to the gaps, inequities and challenges experienced when working to reduce homelessness; uses
data to ensure accountability throughout the system of services; writes, maintains, and
monitors a community-developed, countywide, plan to end homelessness; and administers
state and federal funding opportunities.
The CoC is looking to establish a team of {6-8) individuals with direct lived experience of
homelessness to work as community consultants to help guide its work. Community
Consultants will receive a stipend for all meetings attended to compensate them for their time
and expertise. Some work may be required in advance of these meetings.

Agreement Details

  • Stipend Amount: $75/hour
  • Time Period: May 2024-April 2025
  • Time Commitment: Minimum expected meeting hours during year: 14 hours, totaling $1,050
  • Disbursement Schedule: Payment in full will be sent following each meeting attended
  • Payment Method: UWSCMI will send payment via check or direct deposit.

Terms & Conditions

  • Community Consultants agree to the following terms:
  • Complete orientation paperwork (intake form, conflict of interest and confidentiality
  • Attend meetings (monthly or quarterly) at the United Way of South-Central M,ichigan office (709
    S. Westnedge Ave Kalamazoo, Ml
    Community Consultants will have the opportunity to be seated on the CoC Board and
    Allocations and Accountability team as well as participate in other opportunities that may be
  • Complete all requested grant application reviews unless an inability to complete is
    communicated in advance of the deadline given and unless a conflict of interest arises.

Selection of Community Consultants

  • The goal is to create a committee with individuals from various backgrounds with different
    experiences of homeless (e.g. unsheltered, couch surfing, living in temporary shelter, etc)
  • Coe staff will conduct interviews with applicants the week of April 29th
  • Applicants will be notified of selection the week of May 6th

Please complete the Community Consultant application by Friday April 19th at 4pm.

The application can be found here: https://forms.office.com/r/rMpgYkidPx

Paper applications will be available at the United Way of South Central Michigan 709 S. Westnedge
Ave. Kalamazoo, Ml)
Applications can be picked up from the front desk on Tuesdays arid Thursdays from 9am – 4pm.

All the information will be kept confidential.

If you have any questions about community consultants, please send an email to: coc@uwscmi.org or
call 269-343-2524 x112 and leave a message.