Defecting from Supremacy: Joining the Struggle for Collective Liberation

An Online Course for White Men from White Awake 
Facilitators: Chris Crass and Topher Stephens

For centuries, white men have been told lies—lies created to manipulate our most intimate sense of self and mold us into foot-soldiers of empire. Capitalism, white supremacy and patriarchy fracture our sense of wholeness and keep us disconnected from one another. 
Standing on the shoulders of a long line of feminist and anti-racist leaders, we believe that personal and collective healing are essential practices to resist these disembodying and divisive forces. We also know that inner work must be accompanied by deep engagement in social movements striving to create a truly egalitarian democracy. These tasks will require tools different from those we have been given by the oppressive systems around us.
This course is designed to support men who are socially categorized as white in defecting from the roles we have been groomed to play while constructing renewed identities grounded in a commitment to collective liberation.* Incorporating mindfulness, political analysis, emotional awareness, and expressive practices, we will begin to heal and “whole” ourselves while building a resilient community committed to creating meaningful change in the world. 

This course is designed to help you: 

· Develop basic understanding of patriarchy, white supremacy and the role these forces have played in a centuries-long project of the ruling class to divide and control. 

· Build resilience as we face the vast harm caused by these systems of oppression; deepen personal awareness of how our racial and gender socialization has created suffering and disconnection in our own lives.

· Cultivate a positive identity connected to a legacy of resistors, radicals, and allies.

· Practice non-hierarchical and healing ways of relating through vulnerability and storytelling.

· Connect to our authentic selves through mindful, embodied and creative practices.

· Learn about opportunities to engage in coalition-based movements for anti-racism, feminism, reproductive rights, economic justice, and collective liberation.

Live sessions are being held as a caucus for white men and/or anyone exploring both masculinity and whiteness as parts of their identity. For more information about this, and to determine if this course is a good fit for you, please see our ground rules for group participation. A supplemental, identity-based caucus call will be held for for gay/bi/queer/non-hetero men, gender non-conforming, and non-cisgendered men.

Aug 13, 20, 27 & Sept 10, 17, 4-6:30pm ET (1-3:30pm PT)
Sliding scale $100 – $300 fee for course. No one turned away for lack of funds
here to register on our site 
Sessions will be recorded. Live attendance is not mandatory.