The People’s Church silent auction is returning in February with the bid sheets in the halls! We need volunteers to help make this happen. If you’re interested, please let me know at or 269-375-3262.
Now is the time to start thinking about what you may wish to donate. In the past People’s people have donated a wide range of services, goods, and events for auction including:
- homemade seasonal pies;
- a poetry brunch;
- an ice cream party;
- cooking lessons;
- dinner parties;
- game nights;
- boat rides;
- child care;
- a haircut;
- a home appraisal;
- tax preparation assistance;
- framed photographs;
- original art;
- plants;
- skilled (and unskilled) labor;
- a dairy tour;
- pet care;
- accommodation at a lake house,
- and so much more.
If you value it, someone else will too and they’ll be willing to bid on it (with proceeds to benefit our church). Many of these activities also bring people closer together and work to build community. Join us as we build community one bid at a time by sharing our talents and treasures and raising money for the church.