Afternoon Book Club Schedule 2024-25

We’ll meet second Mondays at 1:30 at Martha’s home 

4124 Persianwood Drive in the Garden Homes, part of Friendship Village

The Village Clubhouse Game Room is also reserved if we need it.

September 9 – Afterlife by Julia Alvarez (2021) Susan

October 14 – The Good Earth by Pearl Buck (1931) Mary Lewis

November 11 – The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon (2023) Lori

December 9 – Tom Lake by Ann Patchett (2023) Marj

January – no meeting

February 10 – The Secret Life of Sunflowers by Marta Molnar (2022) Shari

March 10 – tba                    Pat

April 14 – Native Speaker by Chang-rae Lee (1995) Mary Tift

May 12 –  tba                          Karen 

June 9 – James by Percival Everett (2024) Martha